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Represents the state of the ChannelCreationScreen. This extends UserSelectionState to handle user selection.

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class ChannelCreationViewModel(repository: ChannelCreationScreenResourceRepository, savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel, SendbirdViewModelContract

ViewModel class for ChannelCreationScreen.

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class ChannelCreationViewModelParams @JvmOverloads constructor(val applicationUserListQueryParams: ApplicationUserListQueryParams = ApplicationUserListQueryParams()) : SendbirdViewModelParams

Represents the parameters for the ChannelCreationViewModel.


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fun ChannelCreationItem(user: UikitUser, isSelected: Boolean, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onCheckedChange: (UikitUser) -> Unit = {})

Represents a single item in the channel creation list.

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fun ChannelCreationScreen(navController: NavController?, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, channelCreationScreenState: ChannelCreationScreenState = rememberChannelCreationScreenState(), viewModel: ChannelCreationViewModel = viewModel( factory = ChannelCreationViewModel.factory( ChannelCreationViewModelParams() ) ), onTopBarNavigationIconClick: () -> Unit = { navController?.popBackStack() }, onTopBarActionClick: (ChannelCreationScreenState, ChannelCreationViewModel) -> Unit = { state, vm -> vm.createChannel(state.selectedUserIds) }, onChannelCreated: (channel: UikitGroupChannel) -> Unit = { channel -> navController?.popBackStack() navController?.navigateToChannel(channel.channelUrl) }, topBar: @Composable (selectedUserCount: Int, onNavigationIconClick: () -> Unit, onActionClick: () -> Unit) -> Unit = { selectedUserCount, onNavigationIconClick, onActionClick -> ChannelCreationTopBar( selectedUserCount, onNavigationIconClick = onNavigationIconClick, onActionClick = onActionClick ) }, loading: @Composable () -> Unit = { LoadingScreen() }, failure: @Composable (e: Throwable) -> Unit = { FailurePlaceholder( onRetryClick = { viewModel.prepare() } ) }, empty: @Composable () -> Unit = { ScreenPlaceholder( icon = painterResource(id = R.drawable.icon_members), text = stringResource(id = R.string.sb_text_user_list_empty) ) }, userItem: @Composable (user: UikitUser, isSelected: Boolean, onCheckedChange: (user: UikitUser) -> Unit) -> Unit = { user, isSelected, onCheckedChange -> ChannelCreationItem( user, isSelected, modifier = Modifier.clickable { onCheckedChange(user) }, ) { onCheckedChange(it) } HorizontalDivider( modifier = Modifier.padding(start = 68.dp), color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.onBackground.copy(alpha = SendbirdOpacity.ExtraLowOpacity) ) })

Represents the screen for creating a UikitGroupChannel

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fun ChannelCreationTopBar(selectedUserCount: Int, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onNavigationIconClick: () -> Unit = {}, onActionClick: () -> Unit = {}, title: @Composable () -> Unit = { TopBarTitleText( stringResource(id = R.string.sb_text_header_create_channel), modifier = Modifier.padding(12.dp) ) }, navigationIcon: @Composable () -> Unit = { BackButton(onClick = onNavigationIconClick) }, action: @Composable () -> Unit = { SendbirdTextButton( text = if (selectedUserCount == 0) { stringResource(id = R.string.sb_text_button_create) } else { "${stringResource(id = R.string.sb_text_button_create)} ($selectedUserCount)" }, onClick = onActionClick, enabled = selectedUserCount > 0 ) })

The top bar for the ChannelCreationScreen.