Advanced Moderation Guide v1
Advanced Moderation Guide
Advanced Moderation Guide
Version 1

All tickets

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This page displays a list of all tickets that have been created by Rules.

As opposed to the automated decision-making by Rules which helps to increase productivity and speed, an added layer of human discernment is needed at times to provide a more informed and context-aware moderation. With tickets, you can foster a safe environment while reducing potential missteps that could harm your app's user experience.




Specifies the status of the ticket.

-Unassigned: Ticket created by the rule engine but has not been assigned to an assignee.
-Assigned: Ticket created by the rule engine and has been assigned to an assignee.
-Done: Ticket that has been reviewed by an assigned moderator.


Ticket ID

Specifies the unique ID for the created Ticket.


Created on

Specifies the timestamp of when the ticket was created by the rule engine. The most recent log item is shown at the top.


Moderated details

Specifies the details of the event that triggered the moderation action, such as user name, user ID, message content, and further details are provided in the sidebar when clicked.


Rule action

Specifies the action taken by rules.


Assigned group

Specifies the moderator group that ticket was assigned to. The moderator groups can be managed under your Application > Settings > Moderation > Moderator groups.



Specifies the moderator assigned to review the corresponding ticket.

Bulk actions

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Moderators with the appropriate permissions can perform bulk actions on multiple tickets at once.

Change assignee

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Multiple tickets can be assigned to another moderator group or to an individual moderator at once.

Mark as done

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Multiple tickets can be marked as done at once.

Ticket details

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The ticket detail panel allows users to view in-depth information about specific tickets. You can click on a ticket to view further details as shown in the image below.

This panel is divided into several sections:


Moderator review status

- Displays whether the ticket is currently being reviewed by a moderator.
- Shows the name and email of the assigned moderator.
- Displays the time remaining for the moderator to complete the review.
- If the review status is DONE, it shows the final decision made by the moderator.

Action taken by rule

- Lists the events that triggered the ticket. For example, a message being reported.

Action taken:
- Details any automatic actions taken by the system, such as muting a sender for a specified duration.
- Provides a link to view more details about the action taken.

Event details

- Displays further event details such as the message that was reported, who it was reported by, what the report reason was, and the channel it occurred in.

Explore more on our Advanced moderation product page.