Public Types | |
![]() | |
Public Member Functions | |
void | Refresh (GroupChannelRefreshHandler handler) |
CountPreference | getMyCountPreference () |
GroupChannelMemberListQuery | CreateMemberListQuery () |
bool | IsDistinct () |
void | UpdateChannel (string name, object coverUrlOrImage, string data, GroupChannelUpdateHandler handler) |
void | UpdateChannel (bool isDistinct, string name, object coverUrlOrImage, string data, GroupChannelUpdateHandler handler) |
void | UpdateChannel (bool isDistinct, string name, object coverUrlOrImage, string data, string customType, GroupChannelUpdateHandler handler) |
void | DeleteChannel (string channelUrl, GroupChannelLeaveHandler handler) |
void | UpdateChannel (bool isDistinct, string name, object coverUrlOrImage, string data, string customType, List< string > operatorIds, GroupChannelUpdateHandler handler) |
void | UpdateChannel (GroupChannelParams param, GroupChannelUpdateHandler handler) |
void | Invite (User user, GroupChannelInviteHandler handler) |
void | Invite (List< User > users, GroupChannelInviteHandler handler) |
void | InviteWithUserId (string userId, GroupChannelInviteHandler handler) |
void | InviteWithUserIds (List< string > userIds, GroupChannelInviteHandler handler) |
void | AcceptInvitation (GroupChannelInviteHandler handler) |
void | AcceptInvitation (string accessCode, string userId, GroupChannelInviteHandler handler) |
void | DeclineInvitation (GroupChannelInviteHandler handler) |
void | Join (GroupChannelJoinHandler handler) |
void | Join (string accessCode, GroupChannelJoinHandler handler) |
void | Hide (GroupChannelHideHandler handler) |
void | Hide (bool hidePreviousMessages, GroupChannelHideHandler handler) |
void | Hide (bool hidePreviousMessages, bool allowAutoUnhide, GroupChannelHideHandler handler) |
void | UnHide (GroupChannelUnhideHandler handler) |
void | Leave (GroupChannelLeaveHandler handler) |
void | SetPushPreference (bool pushOn, GroupChannelSetPushPreferenceHandler handler) |
void | GetPushPreference (GroupChannelGetPushPreferenceHandler handler) |
void | MarkAsRead () |
long | GetLastSeenAtBy (User user) |
long | GetLastSeenAtByWithUserId (string userId) |
long | GetMyReadTs () |
List< User > | GetReadMembers (BaseMessage message) |
List< User > | GetUnreadMembers (BaseMessage message) |
Dictionary< string, ReadStatus > | GetReadStatus () |
int | GetReadReceipt (BaseMessage message) |
void | StartTyping () |
void | EndTyping () |
bool | IsTyping () |
void | BanUser (User user, string description, int seconds, GroupChannelBanHandler handler) |
void | BanUserWithUserId (string userId, string description, int seconds, GroupChannelBanHandler handler) |
void | UnbanUser (User user, GroupChannelUnbanHandler handler) |
void | UnbanUserWithUserId (string userId, GroupChannelUnbanHandler handler) |
Member.Role | GetMyRole () |
void | SetMyRole (Member.Role role) |
void | SetMyMemberState (Member.MemberState myMemberState) |
void | SetInvitedAt (long invitedAt) |
bool | IsSuper () |
bool | IsPublic () |
UserListQuery | CreateBannedUserListQuery () |
Member.MutedState | GetMyMutedState () |
void | MuteUserWithUserId (string userId, GroupChannelMuteHandler handler) |
void | MuteUserWithUserId (string userId, string description, int seconds, GroupChannelMuteHandler handler) |
void | UnmuteUserWithUserId (string userId, GroupChannelUnmuteHandler handler) |
void | MuteUser (User user, GroupChannelMuteHandler handler) |
void | UnmuteUser (User user, GroupChannelUnmuteHandler handler) |
void | ResetMyHistory (GroupChannelResetMyHistoryHandler handler) |
long | GetMessageOffsetTimestamp () |
delegate void | GroupChannelRefreshHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelCreateHandler (GroupChannel channel, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelUpdateHandler (GroupChannel channel, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelHideHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelJoinHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelInviteHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelLeaveHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelMarkAsReadHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelGetHandler (GroupChannel channel, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelTotalUnreadMessageCountHandler (int unreadMessageCount, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelSetPushPreferenceHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelGetPushPreferenceHandler (bool isPushOn, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelBanHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelUnbanHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelSetInvitationPreferenceHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelGetInvitationPreferenceHandler (bool autoAccept, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelMuteHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelUnmuteHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelUnhideHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GroupChannelResetMyHistoryHandler (SendBirdException e) |
![]() | |
bool | IsOpenChannel () |
bool | IsGroupChannel () |
PreviousMessageListQuery | CreatePreviousMessageListQuery () |
MessageListQuery | CreateMessageListQuery () |
OperatorListQuery | CreateOperatorListQuery () |
virtual byte[] | Serialize () |
FileMessage | SendFileMessageWithURL (string fileUrl, string name, string type, int size, string data, SendFileMessageHandler handler) |
FileMessage | SendFileMessageWithURL (string fileUrl, string name, string type, int size, string data, string customType, SendFileMessageHandler handler) |
FileMessage | SendFileMessage (FileMessageParams param, SendFileMessageHandler handler) |
void | GetMessagesByTimestamp (long ts, MessageListParams param, GetMessagesHandler handler) |
void | GetPreviousMessagesByTimestamp (long ts, bool isInclusive, int prevResultSize, bool reverse, MessageTypeFilter messageType, string customType, GetMessagesHandler handler) |
FileMessage | SendFileMessage (SBFile file, string name, string type, int size, string data, SendFileMessageHandler handler) |
FileMessage | SendFileMessage (SBFile file, string name, string type, int size, string data, FileUploadWithProgressHandler handler) |
FileMessage | SendFileMessage (SBFile file, string name, string type, int size, string data, string customType, FileUploadWithProgressHandler handler) |
FileMessage | SendFileMessage (SBFile file, string name, string type, int size, string data, string customType, SendFileMessageHandler handler) |
UserMessage | SendUserMessage (string message, SendUserMessageHandler handler) |
UserMessage | SendUserMessage (string message, string data, SendUserMessageHandler handler) |
UserMessage | SendUserMessage (string message, string data, string customType, SendUserMessageHandler handler) |
UserMessage | SendUserMessage (string message, string data, string customType, List< string > targetLangs, SendUserMessageHandler handler) |
UserMessage | SendUserMessage (UserMessageParams param, SendUserMessageHandler handler) |
void | CreateMetaCounters (Dictionary< string, int > metaCounterMap, MetaCounterHandler handler) |
void | UpdateMetaCounters (Dictionary< string, int > metaCounterMap, MetaCounterHandler handler) |
void | IncreaseMetaCounters (Dictionary< string, int > metaCounterMap, MetaCounterHandler handler) |
void | DecreaseMetaCounters (Dictionary< string, int > metaCounterMap, MetaCounterHandler handler) |
void | GetMetaCounters (List< string > keys, MetaCounterHandler handler) |
void | GetAllMetaCounters (MetaCounterHandler handler) |
void | DeleteMetaCounter (string key, DeleteMetaCounterHandler handler) |
void | DeleteAllMetaCounters (DeleteMetaCounterHandler handler) |
void | CreateMetaData (Dictionary< string, string > metaDataMap, MetaDataHandler handler) |
void | UpdateMetaData (Dictionary< string, string > metaDataMap, MetaDataHandler handler) |
void | GetMetaData (List< string > keys, MetaDataHandler handler) |
void | GetAllMetaData (MetaDataHandler handler) |
void | DeleteMetaData (string key, DeleteMetaDataHandler handler) |
void | DeleteAllMetaData (DeleteMetaDataHandler handler) |
void | DeleteMessage (BaseMessage message, DeleteMessageHandler handler) |
void | UpdateUserMessage (long messageId, string message, string data, string customType, UpdateMessageHandler handler) |
void | UpdateUserMessage (long messageId, UserMessageParams param, UpdateUserMessageHandler handler) |
void | UpdateFileMessage (long messageId, FileMessageParams param, UpdateFileMessageHandler handler) |
void | Report (ReportCategory reportCategory, string reportDescription, ReportHandler handler) |
void | ReportUser (User offendingUser, ReportCategory reportCategory, string reportDescription, ReportUserHandler handler) |
void | ReportMessage (BaseMessage message, ReportCategory reportCategory, string reportDescription, ReportMessageHandler handler) |
void | AddOperators (List< string > userIds, AddOperatorsHandler handler) |
void | RemoveOperators (List< string > userIds, RemoveOperatorsHandler handler) |
void | RemoveAllOperators (RemoveAllOperatorsHandler handler) |
void | GetMyMutedInfo (GetMyMutedInfoHandler handler) |
delegate void | OnGetChannelHandler (BaseChannel baseChannel, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | MetaCounterHandler (Dictionary< string, int > metaCounterMap, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | DeleteMetaCounterHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | MetaDataHandler (Dictionary< string, string > metaDataMap, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | DeleteMetaDataHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | SendUserMessageHandler (UserMessage message, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | SendFileMessageHandler (FileMessage message, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | DeleteMessageHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | UpdateMessageHandler (UserMessage message, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | ReportHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | ReportUserHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | ReportMessageHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | SendFileMessagesHandler (FileMessage message, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | SendFileMessageWithProgressHandler (FileMessage message, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | SendFileMessagesWithProgressHandler (FileMessage message, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | SendFileMessagesWithProgressHandlerOnProgress (string reqId, int bytesSent, int totalBytesSent, int totalBytesToSend) |
delegate void | UpdateUserMessageHandler (UserMessage message, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | UpdateFileMessageHandler (FileMessage message, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GetMyMutedInfoHandler (bool isMuted, string description, long startAt, long endAt, long remainingDuration, SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | AddOperatorsHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | RemoveOperatorsHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | RemoveAllOperatorsHandler (SendBirdException e) |
delegate void | GetMessagesHandler (List< BaseMessage > message, SendBirdException e) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static GroupChannelListQuery | CreateMyGroupChannelListQuery () |
static PublicGroupChannelListQuery | CreatePublicGroupChannelListQuery () |
static void | CreateChannel (GroupChannelParams param, GroupChannelCreateHandler handler) |
static void | CreateChannel (List< User > users, bool isDistinct, GroupChannelCreateHandler handler) |
static void | CreateChannel (List< User > users, bool isDistinct, string name, object coverUrlOrImage, string data, GroupChannelCreateHandler handler) |
static void | CreateChannel (List< User > users, bool isDistinct, string name, object coverUrlOrImage, string data, string customType, GroupChannelCreateHandler handler) |
static void | CreateChannel (List< User > users, bool isDistinct, string name, object coverUrlOrImage, string data, string customType, List< User > operators, GroupChannelCreateHandler handler) |
static void | CreateChannelWithUserIds (List< string > userIds, bool isDistinct, GroupChannelCreateHandler handler) |
static void | CreateChannelWithUserIds (List< string > userIds, bool isDistinct, string channelUrl, string name, GroupChannelCreateHandler handler) |
static void | CreateChannelWithUserIds (List< string > userIds, bool isDistinct, string name, object coverUrlOrImage, string data, GroupChannelCreateHandler handler) |
static void | CreateChannelWithUserIds (List< string > userIds, bool isDistinct, string name, object coverUrlOrImage, string data, string customType, GroupChannelCreateHandler handler) |
static void | CreateChannelWithUserIds (List< string > userIds, bool isDistinct, string channelUrl, string name, object coverUrlOrImage, string data, string customType, List< string > operatorIds, GroupChannelCreateHandler handler) |
static void | CreateChannelWithUserIds (List< string > userIds, bool isDistinct, string name, object coverUrlOrImage, string data, string customType, List< string > operatorIds, GroupChannelCreateHandler handler) |
static void | GetChannel (string channelUrl, GroupChannelGetHandler handler) |
static void | GetTotalUnreadMessageCount (GroupChannelTotalUnreadMessageCountHandler handler) |
static void | GetChannelInternal (string channelUrl, GroupChannelGetHandler handler) |
static void | GetChannel (bool isInternal, string channelUrl, GroupChannelGetHandler handler) |
static void | SetInvitionPreference (bool autoAccept, GroupChannelSetInvitationPreferenceHandler handler) |
static void | GetInvitionPreference (GroupChannelGetInvitationPreferenceHandler handler) |
static void | MarkAsReadAll (GroupChannelMarkAsReadHandler handler) |
![]() | |
static string | Base64Decode (string data) |
static byte[] | Base64Encode (string data) |
static BaseChannel | BuildFromSerializedData (byte[] data) |
Properties | |
BaseMessage | LastMessage [get, set] |
int | UnreadMessageCount [get, set] |
int | UnreadMentionCount [get] |
List< Member > | Members [get] |
int | MemberCount [get] |
bool | IsExclusive [get] |
List< Member > | TypingMembers [get] |
Member.MemberState | MyMemberState [get] |
Member.Role | MyRole [get, set] |
long | InvitedAt [get] |
bool | IsHidden [get] |
HiddenState | GetHiddenState [get] |
int | JoinedMemberCount [get] |
Member.MutedState | MyMutedState [get] |
![]() | |
string | Data [get] |
new string | GetType [get] |
string | CustomType [get] |
string | Url [get] |
long | CreatedAt [get] |
string | Name [get] |
string | CoverUrl [get] |
bool | IsEphemeral [get] |
Represents a group channel.
strong |
The count preference. Refer to setMyCountPreference(CountPreference, GroupChannelSetMyCountPreferenceHandler).
strong |
The hidden state. Refer to hide(boolean, boolean, GroupChannelHideHandler).
inline |
Accepts the invitation sent to the current User
. After the acceptance, the User
will be joined to this GroupChannel
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Accepts the invitation sent to the current User
. After the acceptance, the User
will be joined to this GroupChannel
accessCode | Access code for this channel. |
user | user |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Bans a member. Operators can ban members from this channel. Banned member is kicked out of this channel and cannot enter during the specified seconds. If you want to ban the user indefinitely, pass -1 to seconds as the argument.
inline |
Bans a member. Operators can members from this channel. Banned member is kicked out of this channel and cannot enter during the specified seconds. If you want to ban the user indefinitely, pass -1 to seconds as the argument.
inline |
Create a query instance to get the banned user list from this channel.
inlinestatic |
Creates GroupChannel
with GroupChannelParams.
params | Params of channel. Refer to GroupChannelParams. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Creates GroupChannel
with given User
users | User s to join. |
isDistinct | If set true, a distinct GroupChannel is created. So later when you create GroupChannel with same User s and this flag being true , the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between User s remain at the channel.If this flag is false, a new GroupChannel is created even though User s are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the User s start new conversation. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Creates GroupChannel
with given User
users | User s to join. |
isDistinct | If set true, a distinct GroupChannel is created. So later when you create GroupChannel with same User s and this flag being true , the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between User s remain at the channel.If this flag is false, a new GroupChannel is created even though User s are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the User s start new conversation. |
name | Name of channel. |
coverUrlOrImage | Cover URL or image file of channel. Pass String , SBFile or null only, throws exception otherwise. This can be used as thumbnail of channel for instance. |
data | Custom data for channel. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Creates GroupChannel
with given User
users | User s to join. |
isDistinct | If set true, a distinct GroupChannel is created. So later when you create GroupChannel with same User s and this flag being true , the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between User s remain at the channel.If this flag is false, a new GroupChannel is created even though User s are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the User s start new conversation. |
name | Name of channel. |
coverUrlOrImage | Cover URL or image file of channel. Pass String , SBFile or null only, throws exception otherwise. This can be used as thumbnail of channel for instance. |
data | Custom data for channel. |
customType | Custom type for channel. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Creates GroupChannel
with given User
users | User s to join. |
isDistinct | If set true, a distinct GroupChannel is created. So later when you create GroupChannel with same User s and this flag being true , the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between User s remain at the channel.If this flag is false, a new GroupChannel is created even though User s are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the User s start new conversation. |
name | Name of channel. |
coverUrlOrImage | Cover URL or image file of channel. Pass String , SBFile or null only, throws exception otherwise. This can be used as thumbnail of channel for instance. |
data | Custom data for channel. |
customType | Custom type for channel. |
operators | Operators. Operators can ban or unban other members (refer to BanUser(User, string, int, GroupChannelBanHandler) and {@linke #UnbanUser(User, GroupChannelUnbanHander)}). |
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Creates GroupChannel
with given User
userIds | User IDs to join. |
isDistinct | If set true, a distinct GroupChannel is created. So later when you create GroupChannel with same User s and this flag being true , the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between User s remain at the channel.If this flag is false, a new GroupChannel is created even though User s are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the User s start new conversation. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Creates GroupChannel
with given User
userIds | User IDs to join. |
isDistinct | If set true, a distinct GroupChannel is created. So later when you create GroupChannel with same User s and this flag being true , the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between User s remain at the channel.If this flag is false, a new GroupChannel is created even though User s are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the User s start new conversation. |
channelUrl | URL of channel. Refer to Url. |
name | Name of channel. |
handler | Callback handler. |
ClassCastException | If coverUrlOrImage is none of String , File or null , exception occurs. |
inlinestatic |
Creates GroupChannel
with given User
userIds | User IDs to join. |
isDistinct | If set true, a distinct GroupChannel is created. So later when you create GroupChannel with same User s and this flag being true , the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between User s remain at the channel.If this flag is false, a new GroupChannel is created even though User s are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the User s start new conversation. |
channelUrl | URL of channel. Refer to Url. |
name | Name of channel. |
coverUrlOrImage | Cover URL or image file of channel. Pass String , SBFile or null only, throws exception otherwise. This can be used as thumbnail of channel for instance. |
data | Custom data for channel. |
customType | Custom type for channel. |
operatorIds | Operator IDs (User IDs). Operator can ban or unban other members (refer to BanUser(User, string, int, GroupChannelBanHandler) and UnbanUser(User, GroupChannelUnbanHandler)). |
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Creates GroupChannel
with given User
userIds | User IDs to join. |
isDistinct | If set true, a distinct GroupChannel is created. So later when you create GroupChannel with same User s and this flag being true , the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between User s remain at the channel.If this flag is false, a new GroupChannel is created even though User s are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the User s start new conversation. |
name | Name of channel. |
coverUrlOrImage | Cover URL or image file of channel. Pass String , SBFile or null only, throws exception otherwise. This can be used as thumbnail of channel for instance. |
data | Custom data for channel. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Creates GroupChannel
with given User
userIds | User IDs to join. |
isDistinct | If set true, a distinct GroupChannel is created. So later when you create GroupChannel with same User s and this flag being true , the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between User s remain at the channel.If this flag is false, a new GroupChannel is created even though User s are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the User s start new conversation. |
name | Name of channel. |
coverUrlOrImage | Cover URL or image file of channel. Pass String , SBFile or null only, throws exception otherwise. This can be used as thumbnail of channel for instance. |
data | Custom data for channel. |
customType | Custom type for channel. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Creates a query instance to get members.
inlinestatic |
Creates a query instance to get GroupChannel
s the current User
has joined.
inlinestatic |
inline |
inline |
Delete this channel. If null
is passed for each parameter, the current value of each is maintained.
channelUrl | URL of channel. Refer to Url. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Sends end typing event.
inlinestatic |
Gets a GroupChannel
with given channel URL.
channelUrl | URL of channel. Refer to Url. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Gets a GroupChannel
with given channel URL.
channelUrl | URL of channel. Refer to Url. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Gets auto_accept setting for all channel.
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Gets the timestamp of which time the given User
last saw this GroupChannel
user | User among members. |
inline |
Gets the timestamp of which time the User
with the given ID last saw this GroupChannel
userId | User ID among members. |
inline |
This property is set when resetMyHistory(GroupChannelResetMyHistoryHandler) ()} and hide(boolean, GroupChannelHideHandler) ()} is called.
inline |
Checks if unread message count is enabled for this channel. This count preference can be set by setMyCountPreference(CountPreference, GroupChannelSetMyCountPreferenceHandler).
inline |
Gets my muted state in this channel.
inline |
inline |
Gets push notification setting for this channel.
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Gets the member list who have read the given message. This list excludes the current User
message | Message. |
inline |
Returns how many members haven't read the given message.
message | The message. |
inline |
Gets ReadStatus for all members in this GroupChannel
. This excludes the current User
with User
ID keys.
inlinestatic |
Gets the total number of unread message of all GroupChannel
s the current user has joined.
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Gets the member list who haven't read the given message. This list excludes the current User
message | Message. |
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelBanHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelBan handler. This handler provides callback for BanUser(User, string, int, GroupChannelBanHandler) and BanUserWithUserId(string, string, int, GroupChannelBanHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelCreateHandler | ( | GroupChannel | channel, |
SendBirdException | e | ||
) |
GroupChannelCreate handler. This handler provides callback for CreateChannel(List, bool, GroupChannelCreateHandler), CreateChannel(List, bool, string, string, string, GroupChannelCreateHandler), CreateChannelWithUserIds(List, bool, GroupChannelCreateHandler) and CreateChannelWithUserIds(List, bool, string, string, string, GroupChannelCreateHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelGetHandler | ( | GroupChannel | channel, |
SendBirdException | e | ||
) |
GroupChannelGet handler. This handler provides callback for GetChannel(string, GroupChannelGetHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelGetPushPreferenceHandler | ( | bool | isPushOn, |
SendBirdException | e | ||
) |
GroupChannelGetPushPreference handler. This handler provides callback for GetPushPreference(GroupChannelGetPushPreferenceHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelHideHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelHide handler. This handler provides callback for Hide(GroupChannelHideHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelInviteHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelInvite handler. This handler provides callback for Invite(User, GroupChannelInviteHandler), Invite(List, GroupChannelInviteHandler), InviteWithUserId(string, GroupChannelInviteHandler) and InviteWithUserIds(List, GroupChannelInviteHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelJoinHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelJoin handler. This handler provides callback for join(GroupChannelJoinHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelLeaveHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelLeave handler. This handler provides callback for Leave(GroupChannelLeaveHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelMarkAsReadHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelMarkAsRead handler. This handler provides callback for MarkAsReadAll(GroupChannelMarkAsReadHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelMuteHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelMute handler. This handler provides callback for muteUser(User, GroupChannelMuteHandler) and MuteUserWithUserId(String, GroupChannelMuteHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelRefreshHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelRefresh handler. This handler provides callback for Refresh(GroupChannelRefreshHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelSetInvitationPreferenceHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelSetInvitationPreferenceHandler handler. This handler provides callback for SetInvitionPreference(bool, GroupChannelSetInvitationPreferenceHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelSetPushPreferenceHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelSetPushPreference handler. This handler provides callback for SetPushPreference(bool, GroupChannelSetPushPreferenceHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelTotalUnreadMessageCountHandler | ( | int | unreadMessageCount, |
SendBirdException | e | ||
) |
GroupChannelTotalUnreadMessageCount handler. This handler provides callback for GetTotalUnreadMessageCount(GroupChannelTotalUnreadMessageCountHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelUnbanHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelUnban handler. This handler provies callback for UnbanUser(User, GroupChannelUnbanHandler) and UnbanUserWithUserId(string, GroupChannelUnbanHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelUnmuteHandler | ( | SendBirdException | e | ) |
GroupChannelUnmute handler. This handler provides callback for muteUser(User, GroupChannelUnmuteHandler) and UnmuteUserWithUserId(String, GroupChannelUnmuteHandler).
delegate void SendBird.GroupChannel.GroupChannelUpdateHandler | ( | GroupChannel | channel, |
SendBirdException | e | ||
) |
GroupChannelUpdate handler. This handler provides callback for UpdateChannel(String, object, string, GroupChannelUpdateHandler) and UpdateChannel(boolean, string, object, string, GroupChannelUpdateHandler).
inline |
Hides this channel from the current User
's GroupChannel
list. If the channel is hidden, it is not queried with CreateMyGroupChannelListQuery(). When a new message is received from the channel, it appears again.
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Hides this channel from the current User
's GroupChannel
list. When a new message is received from the channel, it appears again.
hidePreviousMessages | If set true, the messages created before the hide will not be loaded anymore when the channel reappears. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Checks this channel is a distinct GroupChannel
. For a distinct GroupChannel
, later when you create GroupChannel
with same User
s and isDistinct
flag being true
(refer to CreateChannel(List, bool, GroupChannelCreateHandler) or CreateChannelWithUserIds(List, bool, string, object, string, GroupChannelCreateHandler)), the channel URL does not change, which means the messages between User
s remain at the channel. If the channel is not distinct one, a new GroupChannel
is created even though User
s are same. As a result, you get a totally new channel URL (the old channel still remains), which means the User
s start new conversation.
if the channel is distinct.
inline |
Checks this channel is a public GroupChannel
if the channel is public.
inline |
Checks this channel is a super GroupChannel
if the channel is super.
inline |
Checks if one or more members are typing.
if one or members are typing.
inline |
Joins this channel if this channel is public.
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Joins this channel if this channel is public.
accessCode | Access code for this channel. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Leaves this channel.
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Sends mark as read to this channel. This method has rate limit. You can send on request per second. The limit ins considered on per-channel basis. It returns SendBirdException if you exceed the rate limit.
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Sends mark as read to all joined GroupChannel
s. This method has rate limit. You can send one request per second. It returns SendBirdException if you exceed the rate limit.
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Mutes User
. Muted User
's messages are no longer delivered to current User
. If you want to mute the user indefinitely, pass -1 to seconds as the argument. Or you can use muteUser(User, OpenChannelMuteHandler).
userId | User ID to mute. |
description | Description. |
seconds | Duration for the mute. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Refreshes all the data of this channel.
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Resets the chat history of this channel for the current User. After this call, the messages created before the call will not be loaded.
handler | Callback handler. |
inlinestatic |
Sets auto_accept on/off setting for all channel. Determines for users within an application whether or not to automatically join a private group channel promptly from an invitation without having to accept it. (Default: true)
autoAccept | auto_accept on or off flag. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Sets push notification on/off setting for this channel.
pushOn | Push on or off flag. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Sends start typing event.
inline |
inline |
inline |
Unhides this channel from the current User
's GroupChannel
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
inline |
inline |
Update this channel. If null
is passed for each parameter, the current value of each is maintained.
isDistinct | New distinct channel option. |
name | New name. |
coverUrlOrImage | New cover URL or image file of channel. Pass String , File or null only, throws exception otherwise. |
data | New custom data. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Update this channel. If null
is passed for each parameter, the current value of each is maintained.
isDistinct | New distinct channel option. |
name | New name. |
coverUrlOrImage | New cover URL or image file of channel. Pass String , File or null only, throws exception otherwise. |
data | New custom data. |
customType | New custom type. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Update this channel. If null
is passed for each parameter, the current value of each is maintained.
isDistinct | New distinct channel option. |
name | New name. |
coverUrlOrImage | New cover URL or image file of channel. Pass String , File or null only, throws exception otherwise. |
data | New custom data. |
customType | New custom type. |
operatorIds | New operator IDs. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Update this channel with GroupChannelParams.
params | Params of channel. Refer to GroupChannelParams. |
handler | Callback handler. |
inline |
Update this channel. If null
is passed for each parameter, the current value of each is maintained.
name | New name. |
coverUrlOrImage | New cover URL or image file of channel. Pass String , File or null only, throws exception otherwise. |
data | New custom data. |
handler | Callback handler. |
get |
Gets hidden state of this channel.
get |
Gets my invitation timestamp.
get |
Checks if this channel is hidden.
if this channel is hidden.
get |
Gets the total joined member count for this channel.
getset |
Gets the last message.
if there is no message.
get |
Gets the total member count for this channel.
get |
Gets member list for this channel.
get |
Gets my member state.
get |
Gets typing member list.
get |
Gets the unread mention count for this channel for the current User
getset |
Gets the unread message count for this channel for the current User