Represents a file to be shipped in a MultipleFilesMessage. If you pass url to UploadableFileInfo, the file is not upload to sendbird server. The url keeps as it is, and it will be set as UploadedFileInfo.url.


  • default
    • UploadedFileInfo


fileName: null | string = null

Represents the name of the file.

fileSize: number = 0

Represents the size of the file.

mimeType: null | string = null

Represents the MIME type of the file.

plainUrl: string = ''

The plain file URL, which does not contain sendbirdChat.eKey as a parameter. If the file encryption feature is enabled, accessing this plainUrl will be denied.

thumbnails: Thumbnail[] = []

Represents the thumbnail information of image file.


  • get url(): string
  • The file URL. If the file encryption feature is enabled, this will have sendbirdChat.eKey combined with the plainUrl so the file can be accessed. For caching the file, it is recommended to use plainUrl as the key of the file cache.

    Returns string