
This class creates and performs a view corresponding the open channel list area in Sendbird UIKit. since 3.2.0


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open class Params
A collection of parameters, which can be applied to a default View.


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Returns the view created by onCreateView.
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open fun notifyDataSetChanged(@NonNull channelList: List<OpenChannel>)
Called when the channel list is changed.
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For stopping the refreshing progressbar, this has to be called when the refresh is finished.
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open fun onCreateView(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull inflater: LayoutInflater, @NonNull parent: ViewGroup, @Nullable args: Bundle): View
Called after the component was created to make views.
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protected open fun onItemClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull channel: OpenChannel)
Called when the item of the channel list is clicked.
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protected open fun onItemLongClicked(@NonNull view: View, position: Int, @NonNull channel: OpenChannel)
Called when the item of the channel list is long-clicked.
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protected open fun onRefresh()
Called when the channel list is pulled to refresh.
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open fun <T : OpenChannelListAdapter?> setAdapter(@NonNull adapter: T)
Sets the open channel list adapter to provide child views on demand.
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open fun setOnItemClickListener(@Nullable listener: OnItemClickListener<OpenChannel>)
Register a callback to be invoked when the item of the channel is clicked.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the item of the channel is long-clicked.
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Register a callback to be invoked when a refresh is triggered via the swipe gesture.
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open fun setPagedDataLoader(@NonNull pagedDataLoader: OnPagedDataLoader<List<OpenChannel>>)
Sets the paged data loader for open channel list.


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