/ SDKs / .NET
Chat SDKs .NET v4
Chat SDKs .NET
Chat SDKs
Version 4

Pin a message

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Sendbird Chat SDK for .NET allows you to pin messages in group channels. You can pin all types of messages including text message, file message, and admin message. The pinned messages feature allows users to mark or highlight specific messages which can be announcements, updates, instructions, or any other messages deemed important in a channel. This makes it easier for channel members to find and access important information, even in large or active channels where there may be a high volume of incoming messages.


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  • The table below shows the types of channels that support pinned messages. See the channel types section to learn about the differences among various channel types.
Open channelGroup channelSupergroup channel

Pinned messages

Not supported

Supported, except ephemeral channels

Not supported

  • Pinned messages can't be sent as silent messages. The IsSilent property should be set to false when pinning or unpinning messages.

  • By default, the maximum number of messages that can be pinned is 10 per channel. To increase this limit, contact our sales team.

Pinning a message on send

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You can pin a new message that you're sending in a channel by setting the IsPinnedMessage property to true. This property belongs to the SbBaseMessageCreateParams class. The default value for this property is false, meaning that the message being sent is not automatically pinned unless specified.

Pinning an existing message

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You can pin a message, that is already sent in a channel, using the PinMessage() method of the SbGroupChannel class. Specify the MessageId to pin as shown in the code below.

Note: A group channel has to be created before implementing the code below.

groupChannel.PinMessage(MESSAGE_ID, (inError) =>
    if (inError != null)
        return; // Handle error.

The following table shows a list of properties related to the pinned messages feature. The PinnedMessageIds, and LastPinnedMessage properties belong to the SbGroupChannel class.

List of properties

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Property nameTypeDescription



Specifies an array of message IDs of the pinned messages in a group channel.



Specifies the last message that was pinned in a group channel.

Getting notified when a message is pinned

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Once a pinned message is sent or an existing message is pinned, the OnPinnedMessageUpdated() event handler is invoked. For further information on SbGroupChannelHandler, see the Add or remove a channel event handler page.