/ SDKs / .NET
Chat SDKs .NET v4
Chat SDKs .NET
Chat SDKs
Version 4

Mention other users in a message

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In both group channels and open channels, a user can mention other users in a message to call their attention. Users have the option of calling specific users in the channel by their user IDs or calling all users in the channel.

Up to ten mentioned users are notified when mentioned. Push notification preferences for mentions can be configured for each user in a channel.

Mention by user IDs

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To mention specific users when sending a message, add a list of user IDs to MentionedUserIds. Then, add the list to either SbUserMessageCreateParams or SbFileMessageCreateParams and pass the params to either SendUserMessage() or SendFileMessage(), respectively.

Mentioned users must belong to the channel where the message is being sent. Users who are mentioned but don't belong to the channel won't be included in the mentioned user IDs array of the sent message.

SbUserMessageCreateParams messageCreateParams = new SbUserMessageCreateParams(TEXT_MESSAGE);
messageCreateParams.MentionedUserIds = new List { "Harry", "Jin", "Jay" };
messageCreateParams.MentionType = SbMentionType.Users;
channel.SendUserMessage(messageCreateParams, (inMessage, inError) =>
    if (inError != null)
        return; // Handle error.

Mention all channel users

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When a user types "@channel" or other designated text in a message, you can set MentionType to SbMentionType.Channel and let the user call the attention of everyone in the channel.

SbUserMessageCreateParams messageCreateParams = new SbUserMessageCreateParams(TEXT_MESSAGE);
messageCreateParams.MentionType = SbMentionType.Channel;
channel.SendUserMessage(messageCreateParams, (inMessage, inError) =>
    if (inError != null)
        return; // Handle error.


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Using channel mention is subject to the following limitations.

Channel mentions per user

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Channel sizeAllowed mentions per hour

Less than or equal to 100 users


Greater than 100 users


Channel mentions per channel

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Channel sizeAllowed mentions per hour

Less than or equal to 100 users


Greater than 100 users