Chat UIKit Android View v2
Chat UIKit Android View
Chat UIKit
Android View
Version 2
Sendbird Chat UIKit v2 for Android View is no longer supported as a new version is released. Check out our latest Chat UIKit v3

File sharing

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File sharing is a feature that allows users to send files during a chat, such as images, audio files, and videos. File sharing appears in the message input field region of the ChannelFragment class.

In UIKit for Android, there are currently four types of file messages that users can send: image file, video file, audio file, and document file. These files can be shared with other members in the channel by either directly taking a photo with the camera on a mobile device or uploading an image, video, audio, or document file from the sender’s mobile device.

Note : In order to use the file sharing feature, you must first create a channel and enable the chat service. To learn how to allow users to chat in a channel, refer to Chat in a channel.

Customize the UI for file sharing

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You can customize the UI for file sharing using StyleSet and IconSet.


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To customize the style of channel items, you have to change the UIKit-defined style values in the res/values/styles.xml file as shown below.

<style name="Custom" parent="SendBird">
        <item name="sb_message_file_style">CustomFileMessage</item>

<style name="CustomFileMessage" parent="Widget.SendBird.Message.File">
    <item name="sb_message_me_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_other_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_me_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_other_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_me_background_tint"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_other_background_tint"></item>

List of attributes of Widget.Sendbird.File

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AttributeResource typeDescription


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in file messages sent by the current user.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in file messages sent by remote users in the channel.



The shape and color of message bubbles containing a file sent by the current user.



The shape and color of message bubbles containing a file sent by others in the channel.



The shape and tinted color of message bubbles containing a file sent by the current user.



The shape and tinted color of message bubbles containing a file sent by the current user.


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The following table shows customizable file sharing icons.

Icon nameImageDescription


An icon used to select and add files.


An icon used to select a file to send.


An icon indicating an audio file message.


An icon indicating a document file message.


An icon indicating a GIF, the Graphics Interchange Format, file message.


An icon indicating a video file message.

Image compression

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UIKit for Android allows users to compress images when sending them to other users in the channel on a client app. By reducing the image size, they can send and receive image files faster and minimize the usage of data storage as well as the data usage. Image compression can be applied to the following image types: jpg, jpeg, and png.

The following table lists methods in the SendBirdUIKit instance that are related to image compression.

List of methods

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Determines whether to compress the image when sending an image file message. This method only applies to the following image types: image/jpg, image/jpeg, and image/png. (Default: false)


Retrieves the set value of setUseImageCompression() on whether the image should be compressed when sending it as an image file message.


Sets the value of the compression rate to apply to the image. Acceptable values are 0 to 100, inclusive. (Default: 100)


Retrieves the set value of the compression rate to apply to the image.


Sets the new width and height to apply to the image. The given value is shown in the order of the width first, then the height. (Default: 1080x1920)

* When displaying the compressed image as a thumbnail, the value of the new width and height will be halved. The minimum value for the compressed thumbnail is 100x100.


Retrieves the resized width and height to apply to the image.

Note: To compress an image without changing the width and height, use the setCompressQuality() method. To resize the width and height of an image, use the setResizingSize() method.

// To determine whether to compress an image
boolean useImageCompression = SendBirdUIKit.shouldUseImageCompression();

// To set a compression rate value
int compressQuality = SendBirdUIKit.getCompressQuality();

// To resize an image
SendBirdUIKit.setResizingSize(new Pair<>(1080, 1920));
Pair<Integer, Integer> resizingSize = SendBirdUIKit.getResizingSize();