Chat UIKit Android View v2
Chat UIKit Android View
Chat UIKit
Android View
Version 2
Sendbird Chat UIKit v2 for Android View is no longer supported as a new version is released. Check out our latest Chat UIKit v3

Group channel

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This page explains the key functions of group channels in Sendbird UIKit for Android.

Group channels are a chat that allows close interactions among a limited number of users. In order to join this type of channel, an invitation from a channel member is required by default. See Channel types to learn more about how group channels work.

In UIKit for Android, users can create a group channel, list group channels, invite other users to a group channel, chat in a group channel, configure the channel settings, moderate a group channel, list channel members, and react to a message.

List channels

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A channel list is the complete list of group channels that the current user is a member of. The channel list is displayed once a connection with Sendbird server is established, and can be easily managed without complex implementation because the ChannelListActivity or ChannelListFragment class handles core features such as channel pagination and real-time updates.

Start an activity

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Use the intent to move from one activity to the ChannelListActivity as follows:

Intent intent = ChannelListActivity.newIntent(context);

If push notifications are implemented, users may access your client app from the ChannelListActivity. In this case, the unique URL of the channel must be passed as an argument to a parameter when creating an intent in order to redirect to the ChannelActivity.

Intent intent = ChannelListActivity.newRedirectToChannelIntent(context, CHANNEL_URL);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0 /* Request code */, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);

// Implement notifications.

If you want to customize the channel list activity, use CustomChannelListActivity as follows:

Intent intent = ChannelListActivity.newIntentFromCustomActivity(context, CustomChannelListActivity.class, CHANNEL_URL);

Create a fragment

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UIKit’s ChannelListFragment class extends the Fragment class and is designed to take up the whole screen of the activity. It is recommended to create this fragment in the onCreate() method of the user-generated activity. By default, the header of the channel list view isn’t visible when using the ChannelListFragment.

public class ChannelListActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ChannelListFragment Fragment = createChannelListFragment();

        // Put the fragment in the view.

    protected ChannelListFragment createChannelListFragment() {
        return new ChannelListFragment.Builder()

Note : To use UIKit's fragments as a nested fragment, refer to the Android Developer Documentation's Nested Fragments.

Overridable method

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UIKit provides methods that can be overridden so that you can customize your UI.

MethodReturn typeDescription



Called when the ChannelListActivity is created.



Called when it needs to redirect a user from a push notification to ChannelActivity.

Build the fragment

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The ChannelListFragment class enables you to customize the UI of your channel list view. As shown below, the fragment class is composed of two regions: the header and channel list.

  • Channel list view

  • Channel creation view

Fragment regions

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Acts as an optional ActionBar in the channel list activity. By default, it displays the title and two buttons on the left and right, which are all customizable. If the left button is clicked, the finish() method of the activity will be called to close the current activity. If the right button is clicked, the user can determine which channel type to create. After the user selects a channel type, the user will be taken to CreateChannelActivity.

Channel list

Displays the channel's cover image, channel name, number of channel members, number of unread messages, last message sent as well as whether the channel is muted. If a channel is clicked, the user will be taken to the corresponding ChannelActivity. If a long click event occurs, a dialog will pop up asking if the user wants to leave the channel or change the channel’s push notification settings. Both are fully customizable.

Set the fragment.builder()

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The ChannelListFragment.Builder class provides APIs that enable you to create a customized ChannelListFragment. Before building, the ChannelListFragment’s settings can be customized using the builder’s setters. The following is an example of how to build the ChannelFragment:

ChannelListFragment Fragment = new ChannelListFragment.Builder()
    .setCustomChannelListFragment(new CustomChannelListFragment())
    .setEmptyText("No channels")

List of setter methods

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Setter methodDescription


Applies CustomChannelListFragment to ChannelListFragment. By inheritance, CustomChannelListFragment should be a subclass of ChannelListFragment.


Determines whether the header is used. (Default: calls from an activity: true, calls from a fragment: false)


Specifies the title of the header. (Default: Channels)


Determines whether the left button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Determines whether the right button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Specifies the icon on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left)


Specifies the icon and the tint on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Specifies the icon on the right button of the header. (Default: icon_create)


Specifies the icon and the tint on the right button of the header. (Default: icon_create, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the left button of the header. (Default: finish the current activity)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the right button of the header. (Default: start the CreateChannelActivity)


Specifies the channel list adapter. (Default: UIKit's ChannelListAdapter)


Specifies the action of the click listener on an item of the channel list. (Default: start the ChannelActivity)


Specifies the action of the long click listener on an item of the channel list. (Default: show a dialog for pushing on/off and leaving the channel)


Specifies the query instance to get a list of group channels that the current user has joined.


Specifies the icon to display when there aren't any channels. (Default: icon_chat)


Specifies the icon and the tint to display when there aren't any channels. (Default: icon_chat, light mode : onlight_03, dark mode : ondark_03)


Specifies the text to display when there aren't any channels. (Default: No channels)


(Deprecated) Determines whether to include empty channels when retrieving the channel list. Empty channels are channels that have been created but contain no sent messages. (Default: false)

Customize the fragment methods by inheritance

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You can customize the methods in the ChannelListFragment class as follows:

  1. Create a new fragment which inherits ChannelListFragment as a subclass.
  2. Override the methods in the fragment. The following table lists the methods you can use.
  3. Apply the customized fragment by using the ChannelListFragment.Builder().setCustomChannelListFragment() method.

List of methods

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Receives a callback when a channel type is selected.



Invoked when a user leaves a channel.

Add a click listener to a channel list item

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Click listeners can be added to channel list items to perform specific actions when clicked. Through the listeners, the GroupChannel instance is passed as an argument to a parameter, which includes the channel information of the clicked channel. Based on this information, click listeners can be added to perform specific actions.

builder.setItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener<GroupChannel>() {
    public void onItemClick(View view, int position, GroupChannel data) {
        // Implement custom executions when the item is clicked.
}).setItemLongClickListener(new OnItemLongClickListener<GroupChannel>() {
    public void onItemLongClick(View view, int position, GroupChannel data) {
        // Implement custom executions when the item is long-clicked.

Customize the channel list

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A customized channel list can be created by inheriting the ChannelListAdapter and BaseViewHolder<GroupChannel> provided by the UIKit, implementing the adapter, and applying it to the fragment.

  1. Create a CustomChannelListAdapter class by inheriting the ChannelListAdapter class and implement a custom adapter as follows:
public class CustomChannelListAdapter extends ChannelListAdapter {
    public BaseViewHolder<GroupChannel> onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        // Create a custom ViewHolder and return it.
        // Create a custom ViewHolder or call the super.onCreateViewHolder() if you want to use the default ViewHolder.

    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull BaseViewHolder<GroupChannel> holder, int position) {
        // When you call the super, the listener implemented through Builder is attached.
        // A custom listener can be implemented instead of calling the super.
        super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position);
        // Bind the custom ViewHolder.
  1. Create a CustomChannelViewHolder class by inheriting the BaseViewHolder<GroupChannel> class and implement a custom ViewHolder class as follows:
public class CustomChannelViewHolder extends BaseViewHolder<GroupChannel> {
    public CustomChannelViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView) {

    public void bind(GroupChannel item) {
        // Bind the data to the ViewHolder.
  1. Apply the custom adapter to the fragment.
builder.setChannelListAdapter(new CustomChannelListAdapter());

Customize the style of the channel list

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To customize the style of channel list items, change the UIKit-defined style values in the res/values/styles.xml file. The table below shows the style of channel list items you can customize. You need to keep the original names of the items and parents defined by the UIKit during the process.

Note : To apply our Dark theme, create a res/values/styles_dark.xml file and then add .Dark to the UIKit-defined style names.

<style name="Custom" parent="SendBird">
    <item name="sb_channel_preview_style">@style/custom</item>

<style name="custom" parent="Widget.SendBird.ChannelPreview">
    <item name="android:background"></item>
    <item name="sb_channel_preview_title_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_channel_preview_member_count_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_channel_preview_updated_at_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_channel_preview_unread_count_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_channel_preview_last_message_appearance"></item>

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.ChannelPreview

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AttributeResource typeDescription



The channel item background.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text of the channel name.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text of the number of users that have entered the channel.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text of the number indicating the time the channel was last updated at.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text of the number indicating the number of unread messages.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text of the last message sent in the channel.

To apply the declared custom styles, pass the to the ChannelListFragment.Builder constructor as follows:

new ChannelListFragment.Builder(;

Create a channel

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New channels can be created in Sendbird UIKit through the CreateChannelActivity. Using the UserListAdapter class, users can be selected to create channels. Unless the user list has been customized, all users of your client app will be listed through pagination. By default, channel members’ nicknames and profile images are used to create the channel name and cover image. Once created, a channel is immediately moved to the ChannelActivity.

Start an activity

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Use the intent to move from one activity to the CreateChannelActivity.

Intent intent = CreateChannelActivity.newIntent(context);

If you want to use the CreateChannelActivity for a specific channel type, refer to the following sample code.

Note : The CreatableChannelType consists of Normal and Super types.

Intent intent = CreateChannelActivity.newIntent(context, CreatableChannelType.Normal);

If you want to customize the channel creation activity, use CustomCreateChannelActivity as follows:

Intent intent = CreateChannelActivity.newIntentFromCustomActivity(context, CustomCreateChannelActivity.class, CHANNEL_URL);

Create a fragment

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UIKit’s CreateChannelFragment class extends the Fragment class and is designed to take up the whole screen of the activity. It is recommended to create this fragment in the onCreate() method of the user-generated activity. By default, the header of the create a channel view isn’t visible when using the CreateChannelFragment.

public class CreateChannelActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        if (getIntent().hasExtra(StringSet.KEY_SELECTED_CHANNEL_TYPE)) {
            this.channelType = (CreateableChannelType) getIntent().getSerializableExtra(StringSet.KEY_SELECTED_CHANNEL_TYPE);

        CreateChannelFragment Fragment = new createCreateChannelFragment();

        // Put the Fragment in the view.

    protected CreateChannelFragment createCreateChannelFragment(CreateableChannelType type) {
        return new CreateChannelFragment.Builder(type)

Note : To use UIKit's fragments as a nested fragment, refer to the Android Developer Documentation's Nested Fragments.

Overridable method

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UIKit provides methods that can be overridden so that you can customize your UI.

MethodReturn typeDescription



Called when the CreateChannelActivity is created.

Build the fragment

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The CreateChannelFragment class enables you to customize the UI of your channel view. As shown below, the fragment class is composed of two regions: the header and user list:

Fragment regions

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Acts as an optional ActionBar in the activity. By default, it displays the title and two buttons on the left and right, and only the left button’s icon and title can be customized. If the left button is clicked, the finish() method of the activity will be called. If the right button is clicked, the current user is taken to a channel that has invited the selected users. Channels composed of the same users can be duplicated because the isDistinct is set to false by default.

User list

Consists of each user’ profile image, nickname as well as a selectable checkbox. By default, all users registered to the Sendbird application are retrieved in reverse chronological order of creation. However, as previously mentioned, the user list can be customized to only include specific users.

Set the fragment.builder()

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The CreateChannel.Builder class provides APIs that enable you to create a customized CreateChannelFragment. Before building, the CreateChannelFragment’s settings can be customized using the builder’s setters. The channel type of a new channel can be determined in the SelectChannelTypeView layout of the ChannelListActivity. Refer to the following sample code to build the CreateChannelFragment.

CreateChannelFragment Fragment = new CreateChannelFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_TYPE)  // Normal, Super
    .setCustomCreateChannelFragment(new CustomCreateChannelFragment())
    .setHeaderTitle("New channel")
    .setEmptyIcon(R.drawable.icon_members, SendBirdUIKit.getDefaultThemeMode().getMonoTintColorStateList(this))
    .setEmptyText("No users")

List of setter methods

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Setter methodDescription


Displays the channel types you can create. (Default : normal)


Applies CustomCreateChannelFragment to CreateChannelFragment. By inheritance, CustomCreateChannelFragment should be a subclass of CreateChannelFragment.


Specifies the text of the Create button in the header. (Default : SELECTED)


Determines whether the header is used. (Default: calls from an activity: true, calls from a fragment: false)


Specifies the title of the header. (Default: New channel)


Determines whether the left button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Determines whether the right button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Specifies the icon on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left)


Specifies the icon and the tint on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Determines whether the distinct mode is applied. Distinct mode must be false if super mode is true. (Default: false)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the left button of the header. (Default: finish the current activity)


Specifies the user list adapter. (Default: UIKit's UserListAdapter)


Specifies the handler that loads the list of users. (Default: query retrieving all users in the application)


Specifies the icon and the color of the icon to display when the user list is empty. The default icon is icon_members, and its color is onlight_03 for light mode and ondark_03 for dark mode.


Specifies the text to display when the user list is empty. (Default: No users)

Customize the fragment methods by inheritance

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If you would like to customize the CreateChannelFragment's methods below, do the following:

  1. Create a new fragment which inherits CreateChannelFragment as a subclass.
  2. Override the methods in the fragment. The following table lists the methods you can use.
  3. Apply the customized fragment by using the CreateChannelFragment.Builder().setCustomCreateChannelFragment().

List of methods

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Called prior to creating a group channel. You can override this method and add the data you want to use to the given parameters.


Called after a group channel has been created. Implement this method when you need to redirect to another activity.


Creates a group channel with GroupChannelParams.


Sets the text of the Create button.


Determines whether to enable the Create button or not.

Set the custom user list query handler

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In general, users and user relationships are defined in your repository or server. To customize your user list instead of retrieving the entire list from Sendbird server, CustomUserListQueryHandler should be implemented. Since the CustomUserListQueryHandler handles pagination as well, it should be explicitly implemented as follows. If not, all users registered in the application are listed.

  1. Implement the UserInfo class to a class that contains user information from either the local repository in a client app or your server.
class YOUR_USER implements UserInfo {
    private String YOUR_USER_ID;
    private String YOUR_USER_NICKNAME;
    private String YOUR_USER_PROFILE_URL;

    public SendBirdUser(String YOUR_USER_ID, String YOUR_USER_NICKNAME, String YOUR_USER_PROFILE_URL) {
        this.YOUR_USER_ID = YOUR_USER_ID;

    public String getUserId() {
        return this.YOUR_USER_ID;

    public String getNickname() {
        return this.YOUR_USER_NICKNAME;

    public String getProfileUrl() {
        return this.YOUR_USER_PROFILE_URL;
  1. Implement the CustomUserListQueryHandler class.
CustomUserListQueryHandler handler = new CustomUserListQueryHandler() {

    // You can define your own variables. (ex. Limit, count, isError)
    public void loadInitial(UserListResultHandler handler) {
        // You have to initialize your variables here.
        // Implement the first query.
        // You can carry the model implemented UserInfo.
        handler.onResult(userInfos, null);

    public void loadNext(UserListResultHandler handler) {
        // Implement the query.
        // You can carry the model implemented UserInfo.
        handler.onResult(userInfos, null);

    public boolean hasMore() {
        // True if a user list will be loaded, false otherwise.

List of methods

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Initializes all variables and implements a query instance that retrieves the initial list of user information. This should be implemented in your client app or the query instance will not work as expected. Through the handler parameter, List<UserInfo> is returned. If successful, pass null as an argument to a parameter in the onResult() method. If not successful, pass an error object.


Implements the query instance to load user information after the loadInitial() method is called. This doesn’t need to be implemented if all data is queried at once without pagination. Through the handler parameter, List<UserInfo> is returned if the query instance is set to the handler. If successful, pass null as an argument to a parameter in the onResult() method. If not successful or the scroll reaches the bottom, call this loadNext() method again.


Checks if there is more user information. Returns true if there is more user information. Returns false if there is no more user information.

  1. Set the handler through the fragment as below:

Customize the user list

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The user list can be customized by inheriting the UserListAdapter and BaseViewHolder<UserInfo> classes provided by UIKit, implementing the adapter, and applying it in the fragment.

  1. Create a CustomUserListAdapter class by inheriting the UserListAdapter class and implement a custom adapter.
public class CustomUserListAdapter extends UserListAdapter {
    public BaseViewHolder<UserInfo> onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        // Create the custom view holder and return it.
        // Create your custom viewholder or you can the call the super.onCreateViewHolder() if you want to use default.

    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull BaseViewHolder<UserInfo> holder, int position) {
        // When you call the super, the listener implemented through Builder is attached.
        // You can implement your own listener here without calling the super.
        super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position);
        // Bind the custom view holder.
  1. Create a CustomUserViewHolder class by inheriting the BaseViewHolder<UserInfo> class and implement a custom ViewHolder class.
public class CustomUserViewHolder extends BaseViewHolder<UserInfo> {
    public CustomUserViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView) {

    public void bind(UserInfo item) {
        // Bind the data to the view holder
  1. Apply the custom adapter to the fragment.
builder.setUserListAdapter(new CustomUserListAdapter());

Customize the style of user items

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To customize the style of user items, change the UIKit-defined style values in the res/values/styles.xml file. The table below shows the style of user items you can customize. You need to keep the original names of the items and parents defined by the UIKit during the process.

Note : To apply our Dark theme, create a res/values/styles_dark.xml file and then add .Dark to the UIKit-defined style names.

<style name="Custom" parent="SendBird">
    <item name="sb_user_preview_style">@style/custom</item>

<style name="custom" parent="Widget.SendBird.UserPreview">
    <item name="android:background"></item>
    <item name="sb_user_preview_nickname_appearance"></item>

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.UserPreview

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AttributeResource typeDescription



The user item background.


text appearance

Size, color, font, and style of the user nickname.

To apply the declared custom styles, pass the to the CreateChannelFragment.Builder as follows:

new CreateChannelFragment.Builder(;

Chat in a channel

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A channel is a chat that allows close interaction among a limited number of users, and is displayed once a connection with Sendbird server is established. Channels can be easily managed without the need for complex implementation because the ChannelActivity or ChannelFragment uses the MessageListAdapter to display and update channel information, as well as handle core features such as pagination and real-time updates.

Plain text messages, media such as photos and videos, and files can be sent from UIKit. All messages in channels are cached using memory, and messages that fail to be sent are only kept within the active channel object.

Note : If the channel list has been implemented, additional implementation isn’t required for channels.

Start an activity

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Use the intent to move from one activity to the ChannelActivity using the unique URL of the channel as follows:

Intent intent = ChannelActivity.newIntent(context, CHANNEL_URL);

If you want to customize the channel activity, use CustomChannelActivity as follows:

Intent intent = ChannelActivity.newIntentFromCustomActivity(context, CustomChannelActivity.class, CHANNEL_URL);

Create a fragment

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UIKit’s ChannelFragment class extends the Fragment class and is designed to take up the whole screen of the activity. It is recommended to create this fragment in the onCreate() method of the user-generated activity. By default, the header of the channel view isn’t visible when using the ChannelFragment.

public class ChannelActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ChannelFragment Fragment = new ChannelFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_URL).build();

        // Put the Fragment in the view.

    protected ChannelFragment createChannelFragment(@NonNull String channelUrl) {
        return new ChannelFragment.Builder(channelUrl)

Note : To use UIKit's fragments as a nested fragment, refer to the Android Developer Documentation's Nested Fragments. Additionally, if the fragment size is small enough to be covered by the soft keyboard, it is recommended to use the keyboard display type as KeyboardDisplayType.Dialog.

Overridable method

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UIKit provides methods that can be overridden so that you can customize your UI.

MethodReturn typeDescription



Called when the ChannelActivity is created.

Build the fragment

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The ChannelFragment class enables you to customize the UI of your channel view. As shown below, the fragment class is composed of three regions: the header, message list, and message input field.

Fragment regions

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Acts as an optional ActionBar in the activity. By default, it displays the channel cover image, channel name, which other users in the channel are currently typing a message, as well as two buttons on the left and right, which are all customizable. For 1-on-1 channels, the other user’s last seen time is also displayed. If the left button is clicked, the finish() method of the activity will be called to take the user to the channel list of the ChannelListActivity. If the right button is clicked, the user will be taken to the view of the ChannelSettingsActivity.

Message list

UIKit provides ten different types of messages. Refer to the table below. If the message grouping is in use for your UI, the message list displays grouped messages based on the use who sent them and the time those messages were sent. Each message group is divided by minute.

Message input field

Enables users to either send a text message or send a file message by importing a file, image, or video stored on their devices.

Enumerated message types

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Enumerated message typeDescription


A text message sent by the current user. Failed messages can be resent when clicked, and deleted when long clicked. Successfully sent messages can be copied, edited and deleted when long clicked.


A text message sent by other users. The message can be copied when long clicked.


A file message sent by the current user. Failed messages can be resent when clicked, and deleted when long clicked. Successfully sent messages can be viewed through an openable app when clicked, and deleted and saved when long clicked.


A file message sent by other users. Apps that can be used to open the file message can be viewed when clicked, and the file can be saved when long clicked.


An image message sent by the current user. Failed messages can be resent when clicked, and deleted when long-clicked. Successfully sent messages can be previewed through the PhotoViewActivity when clicked, and deleted and saved when long clicked.


A file message sent by other users.The file can be previewed through the PhotoViewActivity when clicked, and saved when long clicked.


A video message sent by the current user. Failed messages can be resent when clicked, and deleted when long clicked. Successfully sent messages can be played through an openable app when clicked, and deleted and saved when long clicked.


A video message sent by other users. The file can be played through the app that can open it when clicked, and saved when long clicked.


A message sent by the administrator. Typically, this message appears when users enter a channel or a channel is created.


A message that displays the message timeline by the date sent if a day or more has passed since delivery.

Set the fragment.builder()

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The ChannelFragment.Builder class provides APIs that enable you to customize the ChannelFragment fragment. The ChannelFragment’s settings can be customized using the builder’s setters before building. The following is an example of how to build the fragment:

ChannelFragment Fragment = new ChannelFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_URL)
    .setCustomChannelFragment(new CustomChannelFragment())
    .setInputHint("Type here")
    .setEmptyText("No messages")

List of setter methods

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Setter methodDescription


Applies CustomChannelFragment to ChannelFragment. By inheritance, CustomChannelFragment should be a subclass of ChannelFragment.


Determines whether the header is used. (Default: calls from an activity: true, calls from a fragment: false)


Specifies the title of the header. (Default: channel name)


Determines whether the left button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Determines whether the right button of the header is used. (Default: true)


(Deprecated) Determines whether the marker of when a user has last seen is used. (Default: true)


Determines whether the typing indicator is used. (Default: true)


Specifies the icon on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left)


Specifies the icon and the tint on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Specifies the icon on the right button of the header. (Default: icon_info)


Specifies the icon and the tint on the right button of the header. (Default: icon_info, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Specifies the icon on the left button of the input. (Default: icon_add )


Specifies the icon and the tint on the left button of the input. (Default: icon_add, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Specifies the icon on the right button of the input. (Default: icon_send)


Specifies the icon and the tint on the right button of the input. (Default: icon_send, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Specifies an input hint for the text input field. (Default: Enter message)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the left button of the header. (Default: finish the current activity)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the right button of the header. (Default: start the ChannelSettingsActivity)


Specifies the message list adapter. (Default: UIKit's MessageListAdapter)


Specifies the action of the click listener on a message list item. (Default: action differs by message type)


Specifies the action of the long click listener on a message list item. (Default: action differs by message type)


Determines whether to show a button on the right-side of the input box at all times. (Default: unused)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the left button of the input. (Default: show a dialog for opening files)


Specifies a set of parameters to retrieve a list of matching messages in the channel by configuring MessageListParams. If specified, the fragment will get the list from Sendbird server. Note that the reverse and nextResultSize properties of MessageListParams are not used in UIKit and thus not effective even if specified.


Specifies the action of the click listener on an emoji reaction in the Emoji reaction box. (Default: adding or removing the emoji reaction count)


Specifies the action of the long click listener on an emoji reaction in the Emoji reaction box. (Default: displaying the reacted user list of the emoji reaction)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the Add reaction button. (Default: displaying the Emoji list)


Determines whether the message group is used in the UI. (Default: true)


(Deprecated. Use setListItemClickListener instead.) Specifies the action of the click listener on a user profile. (Default: displaying the user profile dialog)


Determines whether to show the user profile dialog. (Default: true)


Specifies the keyboard display type of the message input. (Default: KeyboardDisplayType.Plane)


Customizes the loading dialog handler. (Default: UIKit's LoadingDialogHandler)


Specifies the icon to display when there aren't any messages in the channel. (Default: icon_message)


Specifies the icon and the tint to display when there aren't any messages in the channel. (Default: icon_message, light mode : onlight_03, dark mode : ondark_03)


Specifies the text to display when there aren't any messages in the channel. (Default: No messages)


Specifies the listener invoked whenever the message text in the input box is edited in an edit mode. (Default: null)


Specifies the text that appears the input box. (Default: null)


Specifies the listener invoked whenever the message text in the input box changes. (Default: null)


Specifies the message to highlight. (Default: null)


Specifies the timestamp to load the messages with. (Default: Long.MAX_VALUE)

Customize the fragment methods by inheritance

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If you would like to customize the ChannelFragment's methods below, do the following:

  1. Create a new fragment which inherits ChannelFragment as a subclass.
  2. Override the methods in the fragment. The following table lists the methods that you can use.
  3. Apply the customized fragment by using the ChannelFragment.Builder().setCustomChannelFragment() method.

List of methods

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Called prior to sending a user message. You can override this method and add the data you want to use to the given parameters.


Called prior to updating a user message. You can override this method and add the data you want to use to the given parameters.


Called prior to sending a file message. You can override this method and add the data you want to use to the given parameter.


Sends a user message with UserMessageParams.


Sends a file message with FileMessageParams.


Updates a user message that was already sent in the channel.


Delete any type of message.


Re-sends a failed message.


Called when the loading dialog needs to be displayed. In ChannelFragment, it will be called when the fragment is created.


Called when the loading dialog needs to disappear. In ChannelFragment, it will be called when the message list is retrieved.

Add a click listener to a channel item

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Click listeners can be added to channel items to perform specific actions when clicked. Through the listeners, the BaseMessage object is passed as an argument to a parameter, which includes the message type of the clicked message. Based on this message type, click listeners can be added to perform specific actions.

builder.setListItemClickListener(new OnIdentifiableItemClickListener<BaseMessage>() {
    public void onIdentifiableItemClick(View view, String identifier, int position, BaseMessage message) {
        MessageType type = MessageViewHolderFactory.getMessageType(message);
        // Add custom implementation for an message view holder clicked event.
        switch (identifier) {
            case StringSet.Chat:
                // ClickableViewType.Chat
            case StringSet.Profile:
                // ClickableViewType.Profile
            case StringSet.QuoteReply:
                // ClickableViewType.Reply
}).setListItemLongClickListener(new OnIdentifiableItemLongClickListener<BaseMessage>() {
    public void onIdentifiableItemLongClick(View view, String identifier, int position, BaseMessage message) {
        MessageType type = MessageViewHolderFactory.getMessageType(message);
        // Add custom implementation for an message view holder long clicked event.
        switch (identifier) {
            case StringSet.Chat:
                // ClickableViewType.Chat
            case StringSet.Profile:
                // ClickableViewType.Profile
            case StringSet.QuoteReply:
                // ClickableViewType.Reply

Customize the message list

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A customized message list can be created by inheriting the MessageListAdapter and MessageViewHolder classes provided by UIKit, implementing the adapter, and applying it to the fragment.

  1. Create a CustomMessageListAdapter class by inheriting the MessageListAdapter class and implement a custom adapter as follows:
public class CustomMessageListAdapter extends MessageListAdapter {
    public CustomMessageListAdapter(GroupChannel channel) {

    public MessageViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        // Create the custom ViewHolder and return it.
        // Create your custom ViewHolder or call the super.onCreateViewHolder() if you want to use the default.

    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull MessageViewHolder holder, int position) {
        // You must call the super. You can use methods that MessageViewHolder provides.
        super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position);
        // Bind the custom ViewHolder.

    public int getItemViewType(int position) {
        BaseMessage message = getItem(position);
        // Create message type using a BaseMessage object.
        // If you want to use holders that UIKit provides, you have to call the super.
        // If you want to implement a custom message type, set the type as a number greater than 1,000.
        return super.getItemViewType(position);
  1. Create a CustomMessageViewHolder class by inheriting the MessageViewHolder class and implement a custom ViewHolder class.
public class CustomMessageViewHolder extends MessageViewHolder {
    public CustomMessageViewHolder(View view) {

    public void bind(BaseChannel channel, @NonNull BaseMessage message) {
        // Bind the data to the view holder.

    public Map<String, View> getClickableViewMap() {
        // Put clickable views with identifers.
        clickableViewMap.put(, chatView);
        clickableViewMap.put(, profileView);
        clickableViewMap.put(, quoteReplyView);
        return clickableViewMap;
  1. Apply the custom adapter to the fragment.
builder.setMessageListAdapter(new CustomMessageListAdapter());

Customize the style of the channel

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To customize the style of channel items, change the UIKit-defined style values in the res/values/styles.xml file. The table below shows the style of channel items you can customize. You need to keep the original names of the items and parents defined by the UIKit during the process.

Note : To apply our Dark theme, create a res/values/styles_dark.xml file and then add .Dark to the UIKit-defined style names.

<style name="Custom" parent="SendBird">
    <item name="sb_channel_message_list_style">CustomMessageList</item>
    <item name="sb_message_user_style">CustomUserMessage</item>
    <item name="sb_message_file_style">CustomFileMessage</item>
    <item name="sb_message_admin_style">CustomAdminMessage</item>
    <item name="sb_message_timeline_style">CustomTimelineMessage</item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_style">CustomMessageInput</item>

<style name="CustomMessageList" parent="Widget.SendBird.RecyclerView.Message">
    <item name="sb_pager_recycler_view_use_divide_line"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_recyclerview_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_recyclerview_tooltip_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_recyclerview_tooltip_textappearance"></item>

<style name="CustomMessage" parent="Widget.SendBird.Message">
    <item name="sb_message_time_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_sender_name_text_appearance"></item>

<style name="CustomUserMessage" parent="Widget.SendBird.Message.User">
    <item name="sb_message_me_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_other_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_me_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_other_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_me_background_tint"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_other_background_tint"></item>

<style name="CustomFileMessage" parent="Widget.SendBird.Message.File">
    <item name="sb_message_me_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_other_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_me_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_other_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_me_background_tint"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_other_background_tint"></item>

<style name="CustomAdminMessage" parent="Widget.SendBird.Message.Admin">
    <item name="sb_admin_message_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_admin_message_background"></item>

<style name="CustomTimelineMessage" parent="Widget.SendBird.Message.Timeline">
    <item name="sb_message_timeline_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_timeline_background"></item>

<style name="CustomMessageInput" parent="Widget.SendBird.MessageInput">
    <item name="sb_message_input_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_text_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_text_hint_color"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_text_cursor_drawable"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_enable"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_left_button_tint"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_left_button_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_right_button_tint"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_right_button_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_edit_save_button_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_edit_save_button_text_color"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_edit_save_button_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_edit_cancel_button_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_edit_cancel_button_text_color"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_input_edit_cancel_button_background"></item>

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.RecyclerView.Message

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AttributeResource typeDescription



Determines whether to use line dividers between messages.



The background of the entire message list.



The tooltip background that notifies you when new messages arrive.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in the tooltip when new messages arrive.

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.Message

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AttributeResource typeDescription


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of the text indicating the time the message was generated.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of the text indicating the user's nickname.

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.User

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AttributeResource typeDescription


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text messages sent by the current user.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text messages sent by other users.



The background of text messages sent by the current user.



The background of text messages sent by other users.



The background tint of text messages sent by the current user.



The background tint of text messages sent by other users.

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.File

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AttributeResource typeDescription


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in file messages sent by the current user.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in file messages sent by other users.



The background of file messages sent by the current user.



The background of file messages sent by other users.



The background tint of file messages sent by the current user.



The background tint of file messages sent by other users

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.Admin

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AttributeResource typeDescription


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in messages sent by administrators.



The background of messages sent by administrators.

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.Timeline

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AttributeResource typeDescription


text appearance

The size, color, font, style of text in timeline messages.



The background of timeline messages.

To apply the declared custom styles, pass the unique URL of the channel and the to the ChannelFragment.Builder constructor as follows:

new ChannelFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_URL,;

Invite users

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Users can be invited to a group channel through the InviteChannelActivity or InviteChannelFragment using the UserListAdapter class. By default, all users are listed through pagination, but members that already belong to the channel are disabled and greyed out. As previously mentioned, the user list can be customized to only include specific users.

Note : The PromoteOperatorFragment has the same behavior as the InviteChannelFragment. However, the InviteChannelFragment is to invites users, while the PromoteOperatorFragment basically lists the members of the channel who can be promoted as an operator.

Start an activity

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Use the intent to move from one activity to the InviteChannelActivity along with the unique URL of the channel as follows:

Intent intent = InviteChannelActivity.newIntent(context, CHANNEL_URL);

If you want to customize the activity, use CustomInviteChannelActivity as follows:

Intent intent = InviteChannelActivity.newIntentFromCustomActivity(context, CustomInviteChannelActivity.class, CHANNEL_URL);

Create a fragment

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UIKit’s InviteChannelFragment class extends the Fragment class and is designed to take up the whole screen of the activity. It is recommended to create this fragment in the onCreate() method of user-generated activity. By default, the header of the invite users view isn’t visible when using the InviteChannelFragment.

public class InviteChannelActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        InviteChannelFragment Fragment = new createInviteChannelFragment(CHANNEL_URL);

        // Put the Fragment in the view.

    protected InviteChannelFragment createInviteChannelFragment(@NonNull String channelUrl) {
        return new InviteChannelFragment.Builder(channelUrl)

Note : To use UIKit's fragments as a nested fragment, refer to the Android Developer Documentation's Nested Fragments.

Overridable method

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UIKit provides methods that can be overridden so that you can customize your UI.

MethodReturn typeDescription



Called when the InviteChannelActivity is created.

Build the fragment

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The InviteChannelFragment class enables you to customize the UI of your channel view. As shown below, the fragment class is composed of two regions: the header and user list.

Fragment regions

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Structurally, this is the same as the CreateChannelFragment header, except that clicking the right button invites the selected users to the channel.

User list

Structurally, this is the same as the CreateChannelFragment user list, except that members already belonging to the channel are disabled. In other words, they cannot be selected or deselected.

Set the fragment.builder()

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The InviteChannel.Builder class provides APIs that enable you to create a customized InviteChannelFragment fragment. Before building, the InviteChannelFragment’s settings can be customized using the builder’s setters. The following is an example of how to build the fragment:

InviteChannelFragment Fragment = new InviteChannelFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_URL)
    .setCustomInviteChannelFragment(new CustomInviteChannelFragment())
    .setHeaderTitle("Invite users")
    .setEmptyIcon(R.drawable.icon_members, SendBirdUIKit.getDefaultThemeMode().getMonoTintColorStateList(this))
    .setEmptyText("No users")

List of setter methods

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Setter methodDescription


Applies CustomInviteChannelFragment to InviteChannelFragment. By inheritance, CustomInviteChannelFragment should be a subclass of InviteChannelFragment.


Specifies the text of the Create button in the header.(Default: SELECTED)


Determines whether the header is used. (Default: calls from an activity: true, calls from a fragment: false)


Specifies the title of the header. (Default: Invite users)


Determines whether the left button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Determines whether the right button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Specifies the icon on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left)


Specifies the icon and the tint on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the left button of the header. (Default: finish the current activity)


Specifies the user list adapter. (Default: UIKit's UserListAdapter)


Specifies the handler that loads the list of users. (Default: query retrieving all users in the application)


Specifies the icon and the color of the icon to display when the user list is empty. The default icon is icon_members, and its color is onlight_03 for light mode and ondark_03 for dark mode.


Specifies the text to display when the user list is empty. (Default: No users)

Customize the fragment's methods by inheritance

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If you would like to customize the InviteChannelFragment's methods below, do the following:

  1. Create a new fragment which inherits InviteChannelFragment as a subclass.
  2. Override the methods in the fragment. The following table lists the methods you can use.
  3. Apply the customized fragment by using the InviteChannelFragment.Builder().setCustomInviteChannelFragment() method.

List of methods

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Called prior to inviting users. You can override this method and add users to the given parameters.


Called after users has been invited. Implement this method when you need to redirect to another activity.


Invites users with id of user.


Sets the text of the Invite button.


Determines whether to enable the Invite button or not.

Set the custom user list query handler

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Refer to the Create a channel section.

Customize the user list

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Refer to the Create a channel section.

Custom the style of channel items

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Refer to the Create a channel section.

List channel members

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A member list is the complete list of users that are members of a specific group channel. The MemberListActivity or MemberListFragment class uses the UserListAdapter class to display members who belong to a specific channel.

Note : The OperatorListFragment, MutedMemberListFragment, and BannedListFragment have the same behavior as the MemberListFragment. The difference among them is that the OperatorListFragment and BannedListFragment use User objects while the MutedListFragment use Member objects. For further distinction, refer to the comparison table between User and Member.

Start an activity

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Use the intent to move from one activity to the MemberListActivity along with the unique URL of the channel as follows:

Intent intent = MemberListActivity.newIntent(context, CHANNEL_URL);

If you want to customize the member list activity, use CustomMemberListActivity as follows:

Intent intent = MemberListActivity.newIntentFromCustomActivity(context, CustomMemberListActivity.class, CHANNEL_URL);

Create a fragment

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UIKit’s MemberListFragment class extends the Fragment class and is designed to take up the whole screen of the activity. It is recommended to create this fragment in the onCreate() method of the user-generated activity. By default, the header of the channel member list view isn’t visible when using the MemberListFragment.

public class MemberListActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        MemberListFragment Fragment = createMemberListFragment(CHANNEL_URL);

        // Put the Fragment in the view.

    protected MemberListFragment createMemberListFragment(@NonNull String channelUrl) {
        return new MemberListFragment.Builder(channelUrl)

Note : To use UIKit's fragments as a nested fragment, refer to the Android Developer Documentation's Nested Fragments.

Overridable method

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UIKit provides methods that can be overridden so that you can customize your UI.

MethodReturn typeDescription



Called when the MemberListActivity is created.

Build the fragment

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The MemberListFragment class enables you to customize the UI of the member list view. As shown below, the fragment class is composed of two regions: the header and user list.

Fragment regions

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Structurally, this is the same as the CreateChannelFragment header, except the right button is customizable.

User list

Structurally, this is the same as the CreateChannelFragment user list, except the click events are all customizable.

Set the fragment.builder()

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The MemberListFragment.Builder class provides APIs that enable you to create a customized MemberListFragment fragment. Before building, the MemberListFragment’s settings can be customized using the builder’s setters. The following is an example of how to build the fragment:

MemberListFragment Fragment = new MemberListFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_URL)
    .setCustomMemberListFragment(new CustomMemberFragment())
    .setEmptyText("No users")

List of setter methods

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Setter methodDescription


Applies CustomMemberListFragment to MemberListFragment. By inheritance, CustomMemberListFragment should be a subclass of MemberListFragment.


Determines whether the header is used. (Default: calls from an activity: true, calls from a fragment: false)


Specifies the title of the header. (Default: Members)


Determines whether the left button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Determines whether the right button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Specifies the icon on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left)


Specifies the icon and the tint on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Specifies the icon on the right button of the header. (Default: icon_plus)


Specifies the icon and the tint on the right button of the header. (Default: icon_plus, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the left button of the header. (Default: finish the current activity)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the right button of the header. (Default: start the InviteChannelActivity)


Specifies the member list adapter. (Default: UIKit's MemberListAdapter)


Specifies the action of the click listener on an item of the channel list. (Default: none)


Specifies the action of the long click listener on an item of the channel list. (Default: none)


(Deprecated. Use setListItemClickListener instead.) Specifies the action of the click listener on a user profile. (Default: displaying the user profile dialog)


Determines whether to show the user profile dialog. (Default: true)


Customizes the loading dialog handler. (Default: UIKit's LoadingDialogHandler)


Specifies the icon to display when there aren't any members in the channel. (Default: icon_chat)


Specifies the icon and the tint to display when there aren't any members in the channel. (Default: icon_chat, light mode : onlight_03, dark mode : ondark_03)


Specifies the text to display when there aren't any members in the channel. (Default: No users)

Customize the fragment's methods by inheritance

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If you would like to customize the MemberListFragment's methods below, do the following:

  1. Create a new fragment which inherits MemberListFragment as a subclass.
  2. Override the methods in the fragment. The following table lists the methods you can use.
  3. Apply the customized fragment by using the MemberListFragment.Builder().setCustomMemberListFragment() method.

List of methods

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Called when the loading dialog needs to be displayed.


Called when the loading dialog needs to disappear.

Add a click listener to member items

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Click listeners can be added to member items to perform specific actions when clicked. Through the listeners, the Member object is passed as an argument to a parameter, which can be used to retrieve member information. Based on this, click listeners can be added to perform specific actions.

builder.setItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener<Member>() {
    public void onItemClick(View view, int position, UserInfo data) {
        // Add custom implementation for an onItemClick event.
}).setItemLongClickListener(new OnItemLongClickListener<Member>() {
    public void onItemLongClick(View view, int position, UserInfo data) {
        // Add custom implementation for an onItemLongClick event.

Customize the user list

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Refer to the Create a channel section.

Customize the style of member items

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To customize the style of member items, change the UIKit-defined style values in the res/values/styles.xml file. The table below shows the style of member items you can customize. You need to keep the original names of the items and parents defined by the UIKit during the process.

Note : To apply our Dark theme, create a res/values/styles_dark.xml file and then add .Dark at the end of each UIKit-defined style name.

<style name="Custom" parent="SendBird">
    <item name="sb_member_preview_style">@style/custom</item>
<style name="custom" parent="Widget.SendBird.MemberPreview">
    <item name="android:background"></item>
    <item name="sb_member_preview_nickname_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_member_preview_description_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_member_preview_action_menu_background"></item>

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.MemberPreview

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AttributeResource typeDescription



The user item background.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in the member nickname.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in the descriptions of a member.



The action menu background.

To apply the declared custom styles, pass the to the MemberListFragment.Builder as follows:

new MemberListFragment.Builder(;

Moderate channels and members through an operator

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Using UIKit, you can moderate channels and members through the ModerationActivity class. Through the class and its moderation menu, you can get the list of operators, muted members, and banned members of a channel and change the freeze state of it. In order to use this feature, a channel must have at least one operator.

Note : By default, the channel moderation menu is activated and displayed in the channel settings view for operators only.

Start the ModerationActivity

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Use the intent to move from one activity to the ModerationActivity class.

Intent intent = ModerationActivity.newIntent(context, CHANNEL_URL);

If you want customize the moderation activity, use CustomModerationActivity as follows:

Intent intent = ModerationActivity.newIntentFromCustomActivity(context, CustomModerationActivity.class, CHANNEL_URL);

Create a fragment

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UIKit’s ModerationFragment class extends the Fragment and is designed to take up the whole screen of the activity. By default, the header isn’t visible when using ModerationFragment. When creating ModerationFragment, the unique URL of the channel must be passed as an argument.

public class ModerationActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ModerationFragment Fragment = createModerationFragment(url);

        // Put the Fragment in the view.

    protected ModerationFragment createModerationFragment(@NonNull String channelUrl) {
        return new ModerationFragment.Builder(channelUrl)

Note : To use UIKit's fragments as a nested fragment, refer to the Android Developer Documentation's Nested Fragments.

Overridable method

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UIKit provides methods that can be overridden so that you can customize your UI.

MethodReturn typeDescription



Called when the ModerationActivity is created.

Build the fragment

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The ModerationFragment class enables you to customize the UI of your channel moderation view. As shown in the image below, the fragment class is composed of two regions: the header and moderation menu list.

Fragment regions

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An optional ActionBar. By default, it displays the title, and two buttons on the left and right, which are all customizable. If the left button is clicked, the finish() method of the activity will be called to close the current activity.

Moderation menu

A list of moderation items including Operator list, Muted members, Banned members, and Freeze channel.

Set the fragment.builder()

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The ModerationFragment.Builder class provides APIs that enable you to create and customize a ModerationFragment fragment. Before building, the ModerationFragment settings can be customized with the builder’s setters as follows:

ModerationFragment Fragment = new ModerationFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_URL)
    .setCustomModerationFragment(new CustomModerationFragment())

List of setter methods

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Setter methodDescription


Applies CustomModerationFragment to ModerationFragment. CustomModerationFragment should inherit and become a subclass of ModerationFragment.


Determines whether the header is used. (Default: calls from an activity: true, calls from a fragment: false)


Specifies the title of the header. (Default: Moderations)


Determines whether the left button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Specifies the icon on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left)


Specifies the icon and the tint on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the left button of the header. (Default: finish the current activity)


Specifies the action of the click listener on the menu items.


Customizes the loading dialog handler. (Default: UIKit's LoadingDialogHandler)

Customize the fragment's methods by inheritance

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If you would like to customize the ModerationFragment's methods below, do the following:

  1. Create a new fragment which inherits ModerationFragment as a subclass.
  2. Override the methods in the fragment. The following table lists the methods you can use.
  3. Apply the customized fragment by using the ModerationFragment.Builder().setCustomModerationFragment() method.


Called when the loading dialog needs to be displayed.


Called when the loading dialog needs to disappear.

Customize the style of menu items

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To customize the style of the moderation menu items, change the UIKit-defined style values in the res/values/styles.xml file. The table below shows the style of user items you can customize. You need to keep the original names of the items and parents defined by the UIKit during the process.

Note : To apply the Dark theme, create a res/values/styles_dark.xml file and then add .Dark at the end of each UIKit-defined style name.

<style name="Custom" parent="SendBird">
    <item name="sb_single_menu_item_style">@style/custom</item>
<style name="custom" parent="Widget.SendBird.SingleMenuItemView">
    <item name="sb_menu_item_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_menu_item_name_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_menu_item_icon_tint"></item>

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.SingleMenuItemView

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AttributeResource typeDescription



The menu item background.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in the menu item names.



The color of the menu item icons.

To apply the declared custom style, pass the unique URL of the channel and to the ModerationFragment.Builder constructor as follows:

new ModerationFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_URL,;

Search messages

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In UIKit, you can search for messages within the ChannelActivity through a Search in Channel menu in the channel settings of the ChannelSettingsActivity. This will present a MessageSearchActivity or MessageSearchFragment, which handles message search and displays the search results. Clicking one of the search results takes you to a new instance of ChannelActivity which features the message selected from the search results, with the keyword highlighted.

Start an activity

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Use the intent to move from one activity to the MessageSearchActivity. Use the unique URL of the channel in which message search will be carried out as follows:

Intent intent = MessageSearchActivity.newIntent(context, CHANNEL_URL);

If you want to customize the message search activity, use CustomMessageSearchActivity as follows:

Intent intent = MessageSearchActivity.newIntentFromCustomActivity(context, CustomMessageSearchActivity.class, CHANNEL_URL);

Create a fragment

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UIKit’s MessageSearchFragment class extends the Fragment and is designed to take up the whole screen of the activity. When creating a MessageSearchFragment fragment, the unique URL of the channel must be passed as an argument.

public class MessageSearchActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        MessageSearchFragment Fragment = createMessageSearchFragment(url);
        // Put the Fragment in the view.

    protected MessageSearchFragment createMessageSearchFragment(@NonNull String channelUrl) {
        return new MessageSearchFragment.Builder(channelUrl)

Note : To use UIKit's fragments as a nested fragment, refer to the Android Developer Documentation's Nested Fragments.

Overridable method

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UIKit provides methods that can be overridden so that you can customize your UI.

MethodReturn typeDescription



Called when the MessageSearchActivity is created.

Build the fragment

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The MessageSearchFragment class enables you to customize the message search view UI. As shown in the image below, the fragment class is composed of two regions: search bar and search result.

Fragment regions

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Search bar

Displays the search input box and the button on the right. When the right button is clicked, message search is carried out with the keyword in the search input box. The MessageSearchActivity is called to take the user to the channel of the ChannelActivity.

Search result

Displays the sender's profile image, sender name, the time the message was sent, and the message content. If one of the search results is clicked, a new ChannelActivity starts by setting the setHighlightMessageInfo() with the keyword and the setStartingPoint() with the time the selected message was sent.

Set the fragment.builder()

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The MessageSearchFragment.Builder class provides APIs that enable you to customize the MessageSearchFragment fragment. Before building, the MessageSearchFragment settings can be customized with the builder’s setters as follows:

MessageSearchFragment fragment = new MessageSearchFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_URL)
    .setCustomMessageSearchFragment(new CustomMessageSearchFragment())
    .setEmptyText("No results found")

List of setter methods

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Setter methodDescription


Applies the CustomMessageSearchFragment to the MessageSearchFragment. By inheritance, the CustomMessageSearchFragment should be a subclass of the MessageSearchFragment.


Determines whether the search bar is used. (Default: true)


Specifies the text of the right button of the search bar. (Default: Search)


Specifies the icon to display when there aren't search results matching with the keyword. (Default: icon_chat)


Specifies the icon and the tint to display when there aren't search results matching with the keyword. (Default: icon_chat, light mode : onlight_03, dark mode : ondark_03)


Specifies the text to display when there aren't search results matching with the keyword. (Default: No results found)


Specifies the search action event listener on the right button of the search bar. (Default: null)


Specifies the message search result adapter. (Default: UIKit's MessageSearchAdapter)


Specifies the action of the click listener on an item in the search results. (Default: start the ChannelActivity)


Customize the loading dialog handler. (Default: UIKit's LoadingDialogHandler)

Customize the fragment methods by inheritance

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If you would like to customize the MessageSearchFragment's methods below, do the following:

  1. Create a new fragment which inherits the MessageSearchFragment as a subclass.
  2. Override the methods in the fragment. The following table lists the methods you can use.
  3. Apply the customized fragment by using the MessageSearchFragment.Builder().setCustomMessageSearchFragment() method.

List of methods

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Called when the search request is made with a keyword.


Called when the search results exist.


Called when a message item in the search results has been clicked.


Called when the loading dialog needs to be displayed.


Called when the loading dialog needs to disappear.

Add a click listener to search result items

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Click listeners can be added to search result items to perform specific actions when clicked. Through the listeners, the BaseMessage object is passed as an argument, which includes the message type of the clicked message.

builder.setItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener<BaseMessage>() {
    public void onItemClick(View view, int position, BaseMessage data) {
        // Add custom implementation for an onItemClick event.

Customize the search results

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Message search result can be customized through an adapter that inherits the MessageSearchAdapter and BaseViewHolder<BaseMessage>. Once the new adapter is implemented, apply it to the fragment.

  1. Create a CustomMessageSearchAdapter class by inheriting the MessageSearchAdapter class and implement a custom adapter as follows:
public class CustomMessageSearchAdapter extends MessageSearchAdapter {
    public BaseViewHolder<BaseMessage> onCreateViewHolder(@NonNull ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
        // Create a custom ViewHolder and return it.
        // Create a custom ViewHolder or call the super.onCreateViewHolder() if you want to use the default ViewHolder.

    public void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull BaseViewHolder<BaseMessage> holder, int position) {
        // When you call the super, the listener implemented through Builder is attached.
        // A custom listener can be implemented instead of calling the super.
        super.onBindViewHolder(holder, position);
        // Bind the custom ViewHolder.
  1. Create a CustomSearchResultViewHolder class by inheriting the BaseViewHolder<BaseMessage> class and implement a custom ViewHolder class as follows:
public class CustomSearchResultViewHolder extends BaseViewHolder<BaseMessage> {
    public CustomSearchResultViewHolder(@NonNull View itemView) {

    public void bind(BaseMessage item) {
        // Bind the data to the ViewHolder.
  1. Apply the custom adapter to the fragment.
builder.setMessageSearchAdapter(new CustomMessageSearchAdapter());

To customize the style of message search, change the UIKit-defined style values in the res/values/styles.xml file. The table below shows the style of message search you can customize. You need to keep the original names of the items and parents defined by the UIKit during the process.

Note : To apply our Dark theme, create a res/values/styles_dark.xml file and then add .Dark to the UIKit-defined style names.

<style name="Custom" parent="SendBird">
    <item name="sb_search_bar_style">CustomSearchBar</item>
    <item name="sb_message_preview_style">CustomMessagePreview</item>

<style name="CustomSearchBar" parent="Widget.SendBird.SearchBar">
    <item name="sb_search_bar_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_divider_color"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_text_input_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_hint_text"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_hint_text_color"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_clear_icon"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_clear_icon_tint_color"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_search_text"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_search_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_search_text_color"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_search_text_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_cursor_drawable"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_search_icon"></item>
    <item name="sb_search_bar_search_icon_tint_color"></item>

<style name="CustomMessagePreview" parent="Widget.SendBird.MessagePreview">
    <item name="sb_message_preview_background"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_preview_username_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_preview_message_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_preview_sent_at_text_appearance"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_preview_divider_color"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_preview_message_metaphor_background_color"></item>
    <item name="sb_message_preview_message_metaphor_icon_tint_color"></item>
AttributeResource typeDescription



The background of the search bar.



The color of the search result divider.



The text input background of the search bar.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in the search bar.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in the search bar text input hint.



The color of the search bar text input hint.



The icon of the search bar clear button.



The tint color of the search bar clear button.



The text of the search button.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of the search button text.



The text color of the search button.



The background of the search button.



The drawable of the search text input cursor.



The icon of the search text input.



The tint color of the search search text input icon.

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.MessagePreview

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AttributeResource typeDescription



The background of the message preview.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in the user name.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in the message.


text appearance

The text size, color, font, and style of the time the message was sent.



The color of the message preview divider.



The background color of the message icon.



The tint color of the message icon.

To apply the declared custom styles, pass the unique URL of the channel and to the MessageSearchFragment.Builder constructor as follows:

new MessageSearchFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_URL,;

Configure the channel settings

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The ChannelSettingsActivity or ChannelSettingsFragment class allows each channel to configure its own customized settings. This class can be used to change the channel name, cover image, and notification setting. It can also be used to check the number of channel members, go to the MemberListActivity, search messages with a keyword, go to the MessageSearchActivity, and leave the channel.

Note: If the channel has an operator, the moderation menu is activated.

Start an activity

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Use the intent to move from one activity to the ChannelSettingsActivity using the unique URL of the channel as follows:

Intent intent = ChannelSettingsActivity.newIntent(context, CHANNEL_URL);

If you want to customize the channel settings activity, use CustomChannelSettingsActivity as follows:

Intent intent = ChannelSettingsActivity.newIntentFromCustomActivity(context, CustomChannelSettingsActivity.class, CHANNEL_URL);

Create a fragment

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UIKit’s ChannelSettingsFragment class extends the Fragment and is designed to take up the whole screen of the activity. By default, the deader isn’t visible by default when using the ChannelSettingsFragment. When creating a ChannelSettingsFragment fragment, the unique URL of the channel must be passed as an argument.

public class ChannelSettingsActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ChannelSettingsFragment Fragment = createChannelSettingsFragment(url);

        // Put the Fragment in the view.

    protected ChannelSettingsFragment createChannelSettingsFragment(@NonNull String channelUrl) {
        return new ChannelSettingsFragment.Builder(channelUrl)

Note : To use UIKit's fragments as a nested fragment, refer to the Android Developer Documentation's Nested Fragments.

Overridable method

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UIKit provides methods that can be overridden so that you can customize your UI.

MethodReturn typeDescription



Called when the ChannelSettingsActivity is created.

Build the fragment

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The ChannelSettingsFragment class enables you to customize the UI of your channel settings view. As shown below there are three regions of the fragment class: the header, channel information, and settings.

Fragment regions

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Acts as an optional ActionBar in the activity. By default, it displays the title and two buttons on the left and right, and only the left button’s icon and title can be customized. If the left button is clicked, the finish() method of the activity will be called to take the user to the channel of the ChannelActivity. If the right button is clicked, a dialog appears asking if the user would like to change the channel’s cover image and name.

Channel information

Includes the channel's cover image and name by default. Changes to the channel’s cover image and name can be made by clicking the edit button are reflected immediately, but loading the new cover image may take some time.


Provides the Settings menu as shown in the following table.

Settings that this fragment supports

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Channel cover image

Displays the cover image of a channel.

Channel name

Displays the name of a channel.

Change channel cover image

Changes the cover image of the channel.

Change channel name

Changes the name of the channel.


Lists the moderation menu that can update channel information.


Configures whether push notifications are turned on or off for each channel. If turned off, push notifications for the channel you registered to Firebase will not be delivered.


Takes a user to the member list view of the MemberListActivity to display the channel members. From there, users can go to the InviteChannelActivity to invite other users to the current channel.

Leave channel

Enables the user to leave the channel.

The ChannelSettingsFragment.Builder class provides APIs that enable you to create a ChannelSettingsFragment fragment with these kinds of content.

Set the fragment.builder()

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The ChannelSettingsFragment.Builder class provides APIs that you can create a customized ChannelSettingsFragment fragment. Before building, the ChannelListFragment settings can be customized using the builder’s setters. The following is an example of how to build the fragment:

ChannelSettingsFragment Fragment = new ChannelSettingsFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_URL)
    .setCustomChannelSettingsFragment(new CustomChannelSettingsFragment())

List of setter methods

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Setter methodDescription


Applies CustomChannelSettingsFragment to ChannelSettingsFragment. By inheritance, CustomChannelSettingsFragment should be a subclass of ChannelSettingsFragment.


Determines whether the header is used. (Default: calls from an activity: true, calls from a fragment: false)


Specifies the title of the header. (Default: Channel information)


Determines whether the left button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Determines whether the right button of the header is used. (Default: true)


Specifies the icon on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left)


Specifies the icon and the tint on the left button of the header. (Default: icon_arrow_left, light mode : primary_300, dark mode : primary_200)


Specifies the action of click listener on the left button of the header. (Default: finish the current activity)


Specifies the action of click listener on the setting for listing channel members. (Default: start the MemberListActivity)


Specifies the action of click listener on the items of the menu.


Customize the loading dialog handler. (Default: UIKit's LoadingDialogHandler)


(Deprecated. Use setOnMenuItemClickListener() instead.)
Specifies the action of click listener on the setting for listing channel members. (Default: start the MemberListActivity)

Customize the fragment methods by inheritance

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If you would like to customize the ChannelSettingsFragment's methods below, do the following:

  1. Create a new fragment which inherits ChannelSettingsFragment as a subclass.
  2. Override the methods in the fragment. The following table lists the methods you can use.
  3. Apply the customized fragment by using the ChannelSettingsFragment.Builder().setCustomChannelSettingsFragment() method.

List of methods

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Called prior to updating the information of the group channel. You can override this method and add the data you want to use to the given parameters.


Updates the group channel with GroupChannelParams.


Called when the loading dialog needs to be displayed.


Called when the loading dialog needs to disappear.


Leaves the group channel.

Customize the style of channel settings

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To customize the style of channel settings items, change the UIKit-defined style values in the res/values/styles.xml file. The table below shows the style of channel settings items you can customize. You need to keep the original names of the items and parents defined by the UIKit during the process.

Note : To apply our Dark theme, create a res/values/styles_dark.xml file and then add .Dark to the UIKit-defined style names.

List of attributes of Widget.SendBird.ChannelSettings

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AttributeResource typeDescription



The background of the channel settings.



The background of the channel settings's item.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of the text that represents the channel name.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of the text that represents the channel settings's item.


text appearance

The size, color, font, and style of text in the item descriptions used in the channel settings.

To apply the declared custom styles, pass the unique URL of the channel and to the ChannelSettingsFragment.Builder constructor as follows:

new ChannelSettingsFragment.Builder(CHANNEL_URL,;